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Learn the names of 35 academic disciplines in Moroccan Arabic.
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Academic Disciplines in Moroccan Arabic

Houda Ghazali

On this page, you will learn the names of 35 academic disciplines in Moroccan Arabic.

Academic disciplines in Morocco are usually called based on their language of instruction.

If the discipline is taught in Arabic, then it keeps its name in Modern Standard Arabic, with a slight Moroccan pronunciation.

If the discipline is taught in French (e.g. math and physics), then it’s referred to by its French name.

Check out introduction phrases in Moroccan Arabic to learn how to use the names of academic disciplines in a Darija conversation.

Academic Disciplines in Moroccan Arabic

English Transcribed Moroccan Arabic Moroccan Darija in Arabic Letters
Accounting Elmo7asaba المحاسبة
Agriculture Ezzira3a / Elfila7a الزراعة / الفلاحة
Anthropology 3ilm el2insan / El2ontropolojia علم الإنسان / أنثروبولوجيا
Archaeology 3ilm el2atar علم الآثار
Architecture and Design Elhandasa elmi3maria w ettasmim الهندسة المعمارية والتصميم
Business Idarat el2a3mal إدارة الأعمال
Chemistry Elkimia2 / Shimi كيمياء
Computer sciences 3olom l7asoub / lanformatik علوم الحاسوب
Earth sciences 3olom el2ard علوم الأرض
Economics El2iqtisad اقتصاد
Education Etta3lim التعليم
Engineering Elhandasa هندسة
Environmental studies Eddirasat elbi2ia الدراسات البيئية
Geography Eljoghrafia جغرافية
Health science 3olom essi77a علوم الصحة
History Ettarikh التاريخ
Journalism Essa7afa الصحافة
Law El7oqoq الحقوق
Life sciences 3olom el7ayat علوم الحياة
Linguistics 3olom ellogha / Ellisaniat علم اللغة / اللسانيات
Literature El2adab الأدب
Logic Elmantiq المنطق
Mathematics Erriyadiat / Elmatt الرياضيات
Medicine Ettebb الطب
Natural sciences El3olom ttabi3ia / Science العلوم الطبيعية
Nursing Ettemrid التمريض
Philosophy Elfelsafa الفلسفة
Physics El3olom elfizya2ia / Elfizik العلوم الفيزيائية / الفيزياء
Political science El3olom essiasia العلوم السياسية
Psychology 3ilm ennafs علم النفس
Social sciences El3olom el2ijtima3ia العلوم الاجتماعية
Sociology 3ilm el2ijtima3 علم الإجتماع
Space science 3ilm elfada2 علم الفضاء
Statistics El2i7sa2 الإحصاء
Veterinary medicine Ettebb elbaytari الطب البيطري

Learn more vocabulary from our other Moroccan Arabic vocabulary lists.

Also, don’t forget to check out our selections of useful Moroccan Arabic phrases.

For an overview, have a look at all other Speak Moroccan materials.

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